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1. Begin your proposal with a short paragraph that clearly states who you are, the amount requested, the intention of the grant fund, and all current contact information.


2. Please ensure all contact information provided includes a phone number(s), e-mail address(es), name(s) of  the primary person(s) we may contact if we have any questions. If you have a website, please provide your URL for review. Provide all appropriate information for us to issue a check, as well as a mailing address, should your proposal be selected. Although we will mail a check when necessary, we prefer that the primary contact , or someone from the organization, pick up the check in person at our grants ceremony.


***If you are not a non-profit, you must provide us with the name of the non-profit that serves as your fiscal agent/sponsor. We will also need the name and contact information of someone at the fiscal agent/sponsor we can call if we have questions***


3. Please provide a copy of your Internal Revenue Service letter of determination of 501(c)3 non-profit status or arrangements with a fiscal agent and their 501(c)3 status.


**We will not release funds until we have proof of the 501(c)3 status.**


4. Please detail the specific need for a grant (e.g. startup costs, equipment not covered by normal operating budget, program incentives, direct service costs and scholarships, etc.). Ineligible requests include: Capital Campaign, funding for salaries, general operating expenses, individual’s projects, or travel expenses.


We generally look for how this money can be best utilized to serve the needs of our communities. Show us what you can do!


5. Please provide an annual budget for your organization and a budget for the project for which the funds are being requested. If your group has a budget over $100,000 and/or paid staff, please explain why this funding is being requested. If your project is using a fiscal agent we only need to see your project budget.


6.  Submit your proposal to: The Atlanta Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc.


Attn: Grants Committee



All Welcome to our General Meeting the 3rd Sunday of every month at 7:00pm

Meeting Location:
Village Provisions
676 Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30312

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